제가 주로 사용하는 키만 언급하겠습니다. 저는 주로 공중 전투위주로 플레이하기 때문에 폭격 관련 키는 전혀 사용하지 않습니다.

>Level Stabilizer                                  
>Elevator Trim Negative                      Ctrl+Down Arrow
>Elevator Trim Neutral                        Shift+Up Arrow
>Elevator Trim Positive                       Ctrl+Up Arrow
>Aileron Trim Left                               Ctrl+Left Arrow
>Aileron Trim Neutral                         Shift+Left Arrow
>Aileron Trim Right                            Ctrl+Right Arrow
>Rudder Trim Left                              Ctrl+Z
>Rudder Trim Neutral                        Shift+Z or Shift+X
>Rudder Trim Right                           Ctrl+X
>Toggle Engine                                 I
>Boost (WEP) On/Off                        W
>Prop. Pitch 0                                   Shift+1
>Prop. Pitch 1                                   
>Prop. Pitch 2                                   
>Prop. Pitch 3                                   Shift+2
>Prop. Pitch 4                                   
>Prop. Pitch 5                                   
>Prop. Pitch 6                                   Shift+3
>Prop. Pitch 7                                   
>Prop. Pitch 8                                  
>Prop. Pitch 9                                   Shift+4
>Prop. Pitch 10                                 
>Prop. Pitch Auto                              Shift+0
>Increase Prop. Pitch                      
>Decrease Prop. Pitch                     
>Mixture 0                                        
>Mixture 10                                     
>Mixture 20                                     
>Mixture 30                                     
>Mixture 40                                      
>Mixture 50                                     
>Mixture 60                                     
>Mixture 70                                      
>Mixture 80                                      
>Mixture 90                                      
>Mixture 100 (Auto Rich)                  
>Increase Mixture                           
>Decrease Mixture                          
>Magneto Next                                
>Magneto Prev.                               
>Supercharger Next Stage              
>Supercharger Prev. Stage             
>Select All Engines                        
>Unselect All Engines                     
>Select Left Engines                       
>Select Right Engines                     
>Select Engine #1                         
>Select Engine #2                          
>Select Engine #3                          
>Select Engine #4                          
>Select Engine #5                          
>Select Engine #6                          
>Select Engine #7                          
>Select Engine #8                          
>Toggle Selection for All Engines                  
>Toggle Left Engines                     
>Toggle Right Engines                   
>Select/Unselect Engine #1          
>Select/Unselect Engine #2         
>Select/Unselect Engine #3          
>Select/Unselect Engine #4          
>Select/Unselect Engine #5          
>Select/Unselect Engine #6          
>Select/Unselect Engine #7          
>Select/Unselect Engine #8          
>Fire Extinguisher                         
>Feather Prop.                              
>Flaps Up                                     F
>Flaps Down                                V
>Gear Up/Down                         G
>Raise Gear Manually                 
>Lower Gear Manually                
>Cowl or Armor Flaps                  R
>Wheel Brakes                           B
>Lock Tail Wheel                        
>Jettison Droptanks                    Ctrl+T
>Toggle Wing Fold                    
>Toggle Arrestor Hook               
>Toggle Chocks                        
>Open/Close Canopy               
>Weapon 1                                 Joystick Button 1 or Enter
>Weapon 2                                Joystick Button 2 or Backspace
>Weapon 3                                Joystick Button 3 or Space Bar
>Weapon 4                                Joystick Button 4 or Alt+Space Bar
>Weapon 1+2                           
>Toggle Gun Pods On/Off          

보통 디폴트로 사용하고 있으며 무장은 1+2를 트리거에 넣어놨구 3,4무장및 플랩은 햇키에 넣어놨습니다. 엔진 1,2,3,4는 알트+1,2,3,4 어차피 지상에서나 사용하고 그때그때 필요할때나 사용해서 그냐 키보드에 넣어놨으며 일반적으로 이니셜과 쉬프트의 조합으로 해놨습니다. (예제, Fire Exhaust 소화기 - 쉬프트+F) 믹스쳐는 증가 감소만 키보드에 쉬프트 +,- 프롭피치는 아날로그(돌아가는 거 있죠 쓰로틀에..)에 엘리베이터 트림과 같이 넣어놧습니다. 엘리베이터 트림을 더 자주 쓰기 때문에 아래쪽 아날로그 로터리에 지정했습니다. 보통 쉬프트로 들어가는 키는 매우 적기 때문에 쉬프트와 이니셜 조합이 대부분입니다.
>Toggle Sight Mode (Auto)            
>Increase Sight Distance               
>Decrease Sight Distance             
>Adjust Sight Control to Right          
>Adjust Sight Control to Left            
>Increase Sight Altitude                  
>Decrease Sight Altitude                
>Increase Sight Velocity                 
>Decrease Sight Velocity               

폭격기는 전혀 사용하지 않는 관계로 패스 시켰습니다만 필요하다면 키패드에 넣을 예정입니다.

>Fire                                              Left Mouse Button
>Turret Aiming Control*                 Mouse Movement
>* User cannot define these controls.        

디폴트 입니다.

>Pilot or Gunner Position                 C
>Jump to Cockpit #1 (Pilot)               
>Jump to Cockpit #2                         
>Jump to Cockpit #3                        
>Jump to Cockpit #4                         
>Jump to Cockpit #5                        
>Jump to Cockpit #6                         
>Jump to Cockpit #7                         
>Jump to Cockpit #8                        
>Jump to Cockpit #9                         
>Jump to Cockpit #10                       
>Rotate View*                                 Mouse Movement
>Zoom In* (External)                       Left Mouse Button+Mouse Up
>Zoom Out* (External)                    Left Mouse Button+Mouse Down
>Wide View                                     PageDown
>FOV 85                                         
>FOV 80                                         
>FOV 75                                          
>Normal View                                 End
>FOV 65                                        
>FOV 60                                         
>FOV 55                                        
>FOV 50                                         
>FOV 45                                        
>FOV 40                                         
>FOV 35                                        
>Gunsight View                             Delete
>Toggle FOV                                 
>Increase FOV                              
>Decrease FOV                            
>Cockpit View                               F1
>No Cockpit View                          Ctrl+F1
>External View                              F2
>Next Friendly View                      Shift+F2
>Next Enemy View                        Ctrl+F2
>Flyby View                                 F3
>Padlock Enemy                          F4
>Padlock Friendly                        Shift+F4
>Padlock Enemy Ground             F5
>Padlock Friendly Ground           Shift+F5
>Padlock Next                              U
>Padlock Previous                      Y
>Instant View Forward with Padlock             NumPad Insert
>External Padlock, Enemy Air                      F6
>External Padlock, Friendly Air                    Shift+F6
>External Padlock, Closest Enemy Air         Alt+F6
>External Padlock, Enemy Ground              F7
>External Padlock, Friendly Ground            Shift+F7
>External Padlock, Closest Enemy Ground         Alt+F7
>Chase View                                              F8
>Next Friendly Chase View                         Shift+F8
>Next Enemy Chase View                           Ctrl+F8
>Toggle Gunsight                                       Shift+F1

역시 디폴트이나 토글건사이트, 시야 확대, 보통, 대형화면 들은 자주 사용하기 때문에 스틱에 넣어놨습니다. 개인적으로 햇키 좌, 우, 햇키 옆버튼 으로 확대 보통 및 대형화면은 순차적으로 넣어놧구 이 햇키 위아래는 플랩입니다.

>SNAP VIEW        
>Toggle Snap/Pan View                             F9
>Look Forward                                            NumPad 8
>Look Front Up                                            
>Look Front Down                                       
>Look Front Left                                           NumPad 7
>Look Front Right                                        NumPad 9
>Look Front Up Left Look Front Up Right            
>Look Front Down Left                                      
>Look Front Down Right                                    
>Look Back Left                                               NumPad 1
>Look Back Right                                            NumPad 3
>Look Back Up Left                                         
>Look Back Up Right Look Back Down Left Look Back Down Right Look Up           NumPad 5
>Look Up Left Look Up Right Look Down           NumPad 2
>Look Down Left Look Down Right Look Left           NumPad 4
>Look Right                                                      NumPad 6
>PAN VIEW        
>Center View                                                   NumPad 5
>Pan View Up                                                  NumPad 8
>Pan View Down                                             NumPad 2
>Pan View Left                                                 NumPad 4
>Pan View Right                                              NumPad 6
>Pan View Up Left                                           NumPad 7
>Pan View Up Right                                         NumPad 9
>Pan View Down Left                                       NumPad 1
>Pan View Down Right                                     NumPad 3

X45 스틱에 햇키는 두개 입니다. 이중 하나는 버튼으로 다른 하난 시야로 지정해놓고 키패드에 있는건 지워놨습니다. (폭격기 관련 조정을 위해)

>Toggle Comms                                             Tab
>Toggle Autopilot                                            A
>Toggle Level Autopilot                                  
>Bail Out                                                        Ctrl+E
>Toggle Reticle Dimmer (German Planes)           Ctrl+D
>Cockpit Lights                                              Ctrl+L
>Toggle Nav. Lights                                       
>Toggle Landing Light                                  
>Toggle Wingtip Smoke                                 T
>Toggle Map                                                 M
>Chat                                                             `
>Online Rating                                              S
>Toggle Speed Bar                                      
>Toggle Icon Types                                     
>Toggle Mirrors Show/Mode                       
>Quick Start/Save Track                              
>Radio Mute Key                                         
>Radio Channels Switch                             

디폴트로 나둿습니다. 퀵 트랙만 지정해놧습니다.(쉬프트+Q)
>Accelerate Time x2/x4/x8                           ]
>Normal Time                                               ‘
>Decelerate Time x2/x4                               [
>Pause Game                                             P, Pause

역시 디폴트

즉 일반적으로 디폴트로 두고 자주 쓰게 되는 키만 스틱에 넣어두고 나머지는 디폴트키로 사용하는 것이죠. 세팅이 필요한것은 세팅이름의 이니셜과 쉬프트, 알트, 컨트롤로 조합시키면서 넣어둿기때문에 기억하기 편합니다.
또한 중복이 있게 되면 경고가 뜨기 때문에 취소시키고 쉬프트 알트 컨트롤을 순차적으로 순환시키며 대입시켜 사용합니다.

어차피 전투에 돌입하게 되면 그때 사용하는 키들은 그리 많지 않기 때문에 전투에 필요한것만 넣어두었다가 차근차근 하나하나 필요한것들씩 입력하가면 되는 것이죠.

이상 제 개인적인 세팅입니다.