에서 PPjoySETUP.zip을 다운받아 설치하면 된답니다.

그리고 밑의 내용은 Track-IR의 AH에서의 사용법인데(AH 포룸에 올라온 글)skidrow님

번역부탁해요~ ^^;

이거 쓰고 하면 멀미할꺼 같은데...(--;)

I browsed various BBS yesterday and found a way to get "enhanced mode" support for TrackIR and TrackIR2 hardware in the current AH version.

I'm often impressed by what some individuals can achieve with some creativity and talent, here goes:

On the TrackIR BBS I found a link on how to get TIR support in a racing sim that supported joystick axes views. As you may know, AH has joystick axes views and this applies to any game that has it.

The original thread: Race Sim Central Forums

I got it up and working by following this link, however I'll just give a quick run through of it.

Use this program to set up a virtual joystick: PPJoy


Install the PPJoy software according to the PPJoy documentation

Start the PPJoy Configure Joysticks utility, press the "Add..." button and select "Virtual port" in the "Parallel port" input box. Now cklick "Add".

Download tir2joy

Copy tir2joy.exe and tir2joy.ini into a directory of your choice.

Fire up the TIR driver software, set the profile you like as normal and set it in enhanced mode (tir2joy needs it).

Now run tir2joy.exe and your head becomes a joystick (?!)

I needed to go to control panel and calibrate my head (hehe, sorry... I find this lightly amusing).

(edit): I also needed to calibrate within AH settings

Last step is to set the view pitch and view yaw settings in AH to the new virtual joystick.

It works flawlessly for me, have at it!

Imagine that we got TIR enhanced mode support in AH before AH2, ahhhh the irony...