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F-14 Tomcat and Libyan MiG-23 Dogfight

Mediterranean Sea, 1989



Hey all. I have had some increasing interest into the actual cockpit recording depicted in the theme song for Microprose's "Falcon 4.0" game. I have at last found a RealPlayer copy of the recording taken over Libya sometime in 1989. I am in the process of researching more about the incident. As of now, I could use a little more info about the details (date, time, kills, area). If any of you know, PLEASE take a second and email me at: hanel@goesp.com

If you could, I would REALLY appreciate it!

Otherwise, click on the link above to listen to the real recording as well as follow along with the written transcript I crudely wrote.

Contacting deprature,

Mike "Fuujin" Hanel



History of the Engagement

The day is January 4, 1989. The airspace close to the Libyan coast. Two VF-32 F-14As from USS John F. Kennedy (CV-67) fly a mission as Combat Air Patrol when a pair of Libyan Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23 Floggers were detected. The MiG-23s had taken off from Al Bumbaw Airfield near Tobruk and they continued their flight towards the US fighters, even though the F-14s radar had locked on the bogies. It's a common procedure under such circumstances to lock the powerful APG-9 radar on the incoming Libyan fighters, to give them the possibility to turn around and head back home. Usually this procedure was impressive enough to drive the Libyans back since the radar warning tone resulting from an armed F-14's radar was fearsome enough. But this time it did not work. For the second time US Navy F-14s were engaged by Libyan fighter aircraft under hostile conditions. During the 8 minutes engagement, the MiGs kept turning into the Tomcats to maintain a firing solution for their Soviet built air-to-air missiles. As later examination of F-14 still photography resolved, the MiG-23s were armed with AA-7 Apex missiles. The F-14s took the MiG-23's head on. They try to take offsets to try to discourage the enemy and to gain position, but with the help of Lybian ground command, they countered each move and forced the Tomcats to take them head on. After the second offset, Alpha Bravo (Kennedy air command) issued "warning yellow, weapons hold", giving the F-14's authority to fire if they felt they were threatened or was in danger. After the sixth offset (jink), at 13 miles, the wingleader knew a fight was inevitable and fired an AIM-7 Sparrow. His wingmen immediately followed him and fired another Sparrow at the same target. The target was downed and the second MiG did a flyby. After pulling more than 5.0 G's, the wingleader centered the bandit. Less than 2 miles away, the Sidewinder was the only weapon effective, but he couldn't get a tone! With his RIO yelling in the background he tried to figure out what's the problem when he finally got a tone; his volume knob was turned down. With a good growl, he pulled the trigger and yelled "Fox 2!" and the AIM-9 flew right in the MiG's exhaust.


- "Gypsy 207 contact 175, 72 miles, looks like a flight of two, Angels 10"

- "Shows 25 mile seperation for an inbound"

- "Contact sir, appear to be heading, ah, 315 now, speed 430, Angels approx. 8,000."

- "Roger 8, take it north."

- "Well have to make a quick loop here"

- "207, 61 miles now, bearing 180, Angels 8, heading 330."

- "20 degrees here, he's jinkin' now."

- "Bogies appear to be coming, ah, jinking to the right now, heading north, speed 430, ah, angels 5,000 now in the descent."

- "Lets take her down now, we're goin' down"

- "53 miles now. Bogies appear to be heading directly at us. I'm coming towards, steady up 150 for 33 offset, 50 miles."

- "49 miles now, speed 450, Angels 9, I'm goin' down to 3"

- "Roger that, 30 degree offset now. Bogies heading 340, speed 500, lets accelerate.

- "Okay, it looks like they are at 9,000 feet"

- "Roger, bogies are jinked back into us now, starboard 30 degrees the other side."

- "Roger, Angels now 11, ready up."

- "Warning yellow, weapons hold, I repeat, warning yellow, weapons hold. Alpha Bravo out."

- "35 miles sir."

- "Roger that. Bogies have jinked back into me now for the third time. Nose is on at 35 miles, Angels 7"

- "Alpha Bravo cleared that, did you copy?"

- "Okay, I am taking another offest, starboard, starboard, ah, 210"

- "30 miles, Angels 13,000, he's the trailer"

- "Roger that, level off here, bogie jinked back into me for the 4th time. I'm coming back starboard. I'm back port now. Port 27 miles, bogie is at 7,000 feet."

- "Bogies 135-50, Angels 16, heading 340."

- "Okay, you're in collision now."

- "Bogies have jinked back at me again for the fifth time. They're on my nose now. Inside of 20 miles"

- {Master arm alert}

- "Master arm on, master arm on"

- "Okay, good light"

- "Good Light"

- "Centering up the T, bogie has jinked back into me again, 16 miles, center to that"

- "Say your Angels"

- "I'm at Angels 5, nose up."

- "No, his Angels"

- "No, wait a minute"

- "Angels are at 9!"

- "Alpha Bravo from 207"

- "13 miles. Fox 1! Fox 1!"

- "Banking right"

- "Roger that, 10 miles, he's back on my nose. Fox 1 again!"

- "Locking him up"

- "6 miles, 6 miles"

- "Tally 2, Tally 2!"

- "Turning into me"

- "Roger that, 5 miles. . . 4 miles"

- "Okay, he's got a missile off (MiG-23)"

- "Bankin' right"

- "Good hit, good hit on one!"

- "Roger that, good kill, good kill!"

- "I've got the other one, fourth fox 2, fourth fox 2!!"

- "Comin' hard starboard"

- "Those fuckin'--Shoot him!"

- "I don't got tone"

- "That's the second one"

- "I've got the second one on my nose right now"

- "Okay, I am high cover on you"

- "Get a fox damn, lock him up! Lock him up, sir. There! Shoot him, fox 2!"

- "I can't! I don't have a fucking tone!"

- {Fox 2--AIM-9 Sidewider launch}

- "Fox 2"

- "Good kill! Good kill!"

- "Okay, good kill"

- "Pilot ejected"

- "{unintelligible} get on the second one"

- "Okay Maestro, lets head north, head north."

- "Port side high, comin' down hard."

- "{unintelligible} Two SAM's blowin' north, they're down low out of ?

unload, 500 knots, lets get outta here!"

- "Okay, two good chutes"

- "They're showin' two good chutes in the air here, from Monster"

- "Roger that, I see the, ah--"

- "I've got the splash, one splash"

- "One splash"

- "Take that down to, ah, 3,000 here Monster."

- "The, ah, splash 160 at 96"

- "Lets go, Monster down to 3,000 and lets get outta here"
