Five Eagles In Three Minutes

single Raptor pilot from the Combined Test Force at Edwards AFB, California,
launched four guided AIM-120 missiles against four separate targets on 24 July.
The Raptor's integrated weapons system successfully identified, tracked, and
linked each target's data to the AIM-120s and each missile passed within
lethal range of its target. During a press conference at Andrews AFB, Maryland,
in May, Secretary of the Air Force Dr. James G. Roche told reporters that in one test
"We had five F-15 Eagles against one Raptor and the engagement was over in three minutes.
None of the F-15s even saw the Raptor. The Raptor simply went down the line and, in simulation,
took out all five of the F-15s."

3분 동안에 이글 5대라.. 대단하네요 시뮬이긴 하지만..
그런데 요즘 이글이가 순탄치가 않네요.
F/A-22 선전의도로 아주 강하게 보이는 이유는?